Script our First Site I

Creating a Basic Web Page… We will do this together…

All html code structure titles have “<” less than symbols to open the scripting command and “>” greater than symbols to close the scripting command.

STEP 1:  To build a basic web page we need to first … allow the document that we are creating to know that we are building the script… to begin we will need an html tag like the following…


With most html scripting tags, there is a closing tag that must accompany the first declaration tag… in order to create a closing tag we add a backslash… like the following…


Now that we have the opening and closing <html> tag, we will want to place the remaining structure for our web page between these opening and closing html tags…

STEP 2:  Web design is structured and has many similarities to writing a paper.  When we write a paper: We have the header or title of the paper; we have the body or the main content area of the paper; we have paragraphs or content in the paper, and we have the conclusion or footer.

Structure for

Writing an Essay

Structure for

an Html Document

Associated Html Tags


Title Tag

<title>        </title>

Body / Main Content Area

Body Tag

<body>     </body>


Paragraph Tag

<p>                </p>

Conclusion Footer Tag

<footer>       </footer>

Active Learning Opportunity:  As you continue to learn more about html, take notes and try to find additional areas for comparison between writing papers and scripting a html web site.

STEP 3:  Create a head area for the web document.  Then create code to build a Title Tab within the head area.



<title>Best Class Ever!! </title>


The title tag will be translated and presented at the top of your browser tab if you: Save your document with a .html and View open the web page with a browser.


Important Note:  Computers read code and perform operations in a top down and linear nature by default.  Therefore if we place code within the <head> area and at the top of our html document,  the browser will interpret the code at the top first.

