Script our First Site II

STEP 3:  Now add body structure to this document.  The body is visually demonstrated underneath the <head> area.

<body> and close the tags with </body>

Within the body, we will be placing a h1 header.

<h1> The Most Interesting Paragraph In The World </h1>

You are welcome to add as much or as little content between the opening and closing <h1> tags as you desire…



<title> Best Class Ever!! </title>



<h1> The Greatest Header In The World </h1>



The <h1> tag will be translated inside the body of your document after you: Save your document with a .html and open the web page with a web browser.

Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 6.25.39 PM


Important Note:  Spacing is not presented in the final web document when using the structural tags like: <html>, <title>, <body>.  Although since the <h1> tag is translating words and sentences, spaces will be apparent between the opening and closing brackets.

STEP 4:   Now add some substance to the body of our document with paragraphs.  We will use paragraph html tags.  Here is an example of a paragraph tag.

<p>   Once upon a time in a tiny little kingdom called Web Design, lived a very good friend to the King of Web Design. His name was Web Page </p>

Once again there is no limit to the amount of content that you are able to place between this tag.



<title>HTML TOOL KIT</title>



<h1> The Greatest Header In The World </h1>

<p>   Once upon a time in a tiny little kingdom called Web Design, lived a very good friend to the King of Web Design. His name was Web Page. </p>



The <p> tag will be translated inside the body of your document and below the <h1> tag after you: Save your document with a .html and open the web page with a web browser.


Congratulations, you created your first web page!!  Be sure to complete the additional research activity under Attachments.





